Welcome to MonthlyCalendar.com
monthlycalendar.com is an online calendar and planning tool that lets you create and edit events in a monthly calendar view. Users can print or share their calendars. It also includes features like recurring event creation, reminders, and calendar sharing for collaborative planning.
We live in a fast-paced era where our time is precious, and keeping track of everything can be overwhelming. It is not simple to manage and balance our work lives with running a home, dealing with family matters, or remembering necessary appointments and dates. These facts easily get lost in a tangle of daily tasks and are impossible to remember without help. But how can we maximize our time and manage our lives most effectively? The answer lies in using a simple online monthly calendar.
Our calendar is different from the rest because it is simple to use, doesn't have a ton of features, and is easy to use. Task management is an easy and efficient process because of its simplicity. By making your time management stress-free, we let you deal with what matters.
Why should you adopt digital time management?
Luckily, the internet and modern technology have changed every aspect of how we live and do business. Today staying ahead of the game, or even just staying in business, means embracing constantly advancing digital solutions. These solutions are designed to help us save time and effort as life becomes ever-more demanding and stressful.
The internet has given us the autonomy to achieve many things with the click of a mouse – set reminders, order and send gifts in time to celebrate special occasions, conduct financial transactions, book flights and holidays, and much more. Most importantly, using online monthly calendars enables you to plan without missing a beat smoothly.
Why use an online calendar?
Given that we’re always on-the-go, you do sometimes want to print out our monthly calendar or daily schedule and take it with you. With the click of a button, the monthlycalendar.com site allows you to print the entire month or day with all the comments and text you entered, including notes, birthdays, anniversaries, etc. You have the choice, which is the beauty of combining task management on an online calendar and task management on a printed monthly calendar.
Easy reference to your schedule is imperative as is easy access – whether you use it for everyday life, business purposes, or as an academic planner. An ordinary paper calendar has its benefits, but it might not have room for everything you need to plan, schedule, or write down. You also have to flip through pages to find notes as you have no automatic reminders. Things change frequently, and online calendars are easy to update.
You are on a simple calendar! Learn how you can benefit from monthlycalendar.com.
Print option
Once you get to the calendar board, you can print it out and start writing down your monthly management. You can also write in each square of a day on the board and print it out with the text you wrote.
The board's key part is the monthly view as we believe that it is the most useful and simple. However, you can also choose the annual view.
Settings Icon
Using the “setting” button has some very convenient functions:
- Show week numbers – these will appear to the left of each week and are calculated according to the ISO-8601 standard.
- Set Monday as the first day of the week.
- Display a notes window next to each month – this will appear to the board's right or below it in the Mobile view.
Monthly notes window
This window can be printed with the board or canceled before printing. The window allows you to list everything, be it things you want to focus on this month, people you want to visit, or a shopping list. You can use the monthly board as your main board or as a secondary board for work issues, home activities, or a family board.
You can register to the calendar using a Google, Facebook, or email account. After registration, you can see what you inserted from each device and add reminders.
Adding reminders
Adding reminders is simple with four options:
- Reminders
- Birthdays
- Anniversaries
- A memorial day
You can also choose to send yourself a reminder email:
- On the day
- The day before
- Two days before
- A week before
- A month before
You can set the reminder on repeat:
- Repeat daily
- Repeat weekly
- Repeat monthly
- Repeat yearly
- Repeat at the end of every month (highly beneficial)
- Repeat at the end of every year (highly beneficial)
Adding holidays
You can select a country and get the specific holidays of that country. In such a situation, the holidays will also appear in print. You can cancel the holiday display at any time.
Time jump
This tool is handy if you want to quickly and easily access a particular month in a specific year without having to flip through years or months. You can jump back and forwards in decades!
You can jump in time in the calendar:
- Click on the "Jump in time" icon
- Select month and year and click "GO"
General benefits of our online calendar
Today, for busy people and professionals, our popular online calendar is like a personal assistant. It is a visual tool that lets you properly space out your time throughout the day, month, or even year.
- Easy to use
- Can be written quickly on the board
- Reminders can be added frequently
- You can print the month with the click of a button
- Schedule and edit events, meetings, appointments on-the-go
- Set yourself automated reminders
- Effectively keep track of everything
- Never miss a birthday or an anniversary
- Increase and track your productivity
Balancing work, home, family, and many more obligations and activities has never been easier. By staying organized, we help you get more done in your day without remembering everything yourself.
We hope you enjoy using and benefitting from monthlycalendar.com as much as we do.
Let the planning begin!